Monday, September 19, 2016

Redwoods & Six Rivers National Forest

Spent the last two nights at an amazing little campsite in national forest east of Crescent City. Went on what turned out to be a 2 and a half hour bike ride through forest trails, country roads, and then up miles of steep dirt roads - very worth it for the views! Here are the pics.
Nice 6 mile out and back hike through Redwoods - the people that I passed both on the way out and back were impressed with my speed hiking.

Beautiful views along the Smith River on the windy road to/from campground
Peaceful and secluded camp
Middle of nowhere country

Saturday, September 17, 2016

OR coast

I made it to California - Crescent City - and plan to camp in the Redwoods tonight (and maybe the next few nights). Driving the Oregon coast has been beeeaaaauuuutiful. Here are some pics.

campsite at sunset bay state park
made a stop at cape blanco - cold, windy, foggy, but really cool
forest wonderland at cape blanco
steep 6 mile hike up Mt Humbug near Port Orford
headed east into the Rogue River/Siskiyou national forest. didn't see another human at my campsite
this was maybe a 50 foot walk from my tent - the Illinois river, an offshoot of the Rogue

the coast near Brookings, OR. whaleshead beach

Wednesday, September 14, 2016

Hey hi hello this will be where I post pictures irregularly over the next few months. Here's a couple of pictures of the beautiful forest where I hiked and biked at my first camp spot - Silver Falls.

Next stop: crashing with friends in Corvallis for the night.